Using the button or multiple-choice answer types is a great way to allow respondents to navigate easily through your videoask.
However, there may be times when you're not interested in collecting responses to these particular answer types in your inbox and you might prefer to focus on collecting responses from other answer types.
You can skip data collection for button and multiple-choice answer types to avoid seeing and being notified of any unnecessary responses.
⚠️ Important: When skip data collection is toggled on, no data will be recorded or stored. VideoAsk will note that an interaction has taken place, but won't show the answer the respondent selected. There is no way to retrieve this data.
Learn more about the different answer types you can choose from for each of your videoask steps.
Note: Drop-off analysis will still be displayed for steps with Skip data collection enabled.
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Turn off data collection when creating a new videoask step
Turn off data collection for an existing videoask step
Turn off data collection when creating a new videoask step
1. Create a new videoask step and select Button or Multiple Choice as the answer type from the dropdown menu.
2. By default, Skip data collection will be enabled for Button answer type and disabled for Multiple Choice answer type. Enable/disable this option as you like:
If the toggle is off (grayed out), responses will be collected for this step and they will appear in your inbox.
For example, in this two-step videoask, responses for both steps can be seen:
If the toggle is on (green), responses will not appear in your inbox for this step.
For example, in this two-step videoask (where Skip data collection is turned on for step 1), only the response for step two will show in the inbox:
Turn off data collection for an existing step of a videoask
1. From your VideoAsk account, select the videoask you want to edit. Click Build to open the videoask builder.
2. Click the step where you want to disable data collection.
3. Make sure you've selected Button or Multiple Choice as your answer type for this step.
Note: You'll be unable to change the answer type of a step if you've already collected responses.
4. Click to disable Skip data collection.
When this setting is turned (green), responses will not appear in your inbox for this step.
Note: You cannot retroactively collect data for a step.
For example: if you turn off data collection midway through a videoask campaign and export your responses as a .csv, there will only be data for this step when data collection was turned on.