Do you want to make sure your respondents watch part of or all of your video before they give an answer? Delay the display of answers to lock any call-to-action buttons until your video is played to a certain point!
Using this option can be a useful way to ensure your employees, clients, or students are watching an entire video before answering.
Once the amount of time you set up has passed, respondents are able to fully interact with the answer options.
Note: The answer option delay correlates with the timestamp of the video. This means that if video controls are visible, a respondent may use them to skip ahead in the video and reveal the answer options more quickly.
Delay your call to action prompt
1. From your VideoAsk account, select the videoask you want to edit and click Build to open the videoask builder.
2. Click the step you'd like to delay the answer option for.
3. Select Answer in the right-hand sidebar.
4. Type the number of seconds you'd like to delay the answer options from appearing in the Delay interaction text field.
Note: The maximum duration of the delay interaction is limited to the length of your video. For example, if your video is 5 seconds long and you set a delay of 120 seconds for your answer options, they'll only be delayed for 5 seconds.
5. Click Done.
Note: The delay countdown will only begin once the play button has been clicked.
That's it! Preview your videoask to watch the delay in action.