If you’re reading this guide, it’s likely because we’ve asked you to check your billing address details. If this isn’t the case and you’re looking for more general information about updating your billing details, please take a look here.
If we’ve asked you to update your billing details, here’s why: we’re making some improvements to our billing system and we’ve noticed that we’re missing some important information relating to your billing address. To make sure the information that we have stored for you is correct and accurate, we need your help in updating it.
This should only take a moment or two. Keep reading for what to check.
Here’s how to access your billing details:
1. From your VideoAsk account, click the Account & Org settings icon to open your user menu.
2. From your user menu, select Plan & Billing.
3. Scroll down and click Manage billing information.
4. Now you’ll see your current plan details. Click Billing & Shipping Addresses.
5. Click the address box.
Here’s what to check:
First up, make sure you've entered your first and last names.
Double-check that your email is correct.
Add your company name if applicable.
Check you have added your complete full billing address, making sure to include the following:
- Full street address
- City
- State or province
- Zip/postal code entered in the valid format for your country
- Country
⚠️ Important: Your Zip/postal code must correspond to the State/Province/Country you’ve selected.
Add your VAT number or Tax ID if applicable.
Once you’ve checked your billing address is up to date, please hit Update.
If there’s any information still missing, you’ll now be prompted to add it.
Make any changes if prompted and hit Update again.
Done and dusted! Thanks for taking the time to make sure your details are up to date.
If you have any questions or if something isn’t clear, please let us know by clicking the Contact Support button at the bottom of this page. We’ll be happy to help!